United Space Marine Corps
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SgtGreenbud  Empty SgtGreenbud

Post  SgtGreenbud Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:12 pm

I am SgtGreenbud, VP of War on the Orcus server. I started playing GE
Spring Break 2012. I joined an alliance called USMC (not the same United Space Marine Corps),
Because I am a former infantry Sergeant in the Marines.
So I joined that other USMC alliance and the president quit like 3 days later!
The new president never showed so I took command.
After a while Aero came to me and told me the history of United Space Marine Corps
an how things got to where they were and told me that I should join him or be crushed
Under his mighty boot. Basketball Naturally, I coalesced
And was promoted (or demoted?) to the VP of War for USMC.
It has been a great honor to fight the server's strongest foes along side some
Great players. I have met some really cool people in GE and the best ones
Are of course, in USMC!


Posts : 1
Points : 21698
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Join date : 2012-08-12

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SgtGreenbud  Empty Re: SgtGreenbud

Post  Aero Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:56 pm

lol bud you make me sound like such a tyrant Razz


Posts : 25
Points : 21981
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2012-07-30

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