United Space Marine Corps
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Introduce yourself

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Introduce yourself Empty Introduce yourself

Post  Aero Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:31 am

This portion of the USMC forum is accessibly by all players from any alliance. Introduce yourself! What alliance are you from? Who are you? etc.

I'll go first,

I'm Aero, the president of the USMC. I started this game in late November and founded the alliances Elementalists to go along with the name Aero. I became good friends with an experienced RTS player named Altar, who was the president of the USMC at the time. Altar and I became good friends and he asked me to merge with him three times before I finally did. In December I went on vacation up to North Carolina to see snow for the first time. No internet there so I had entrusted my account to Altar. Altar took good care of my account while I was gone, when I returned, though, I found that he had enlisted the help of another trusted player Timecanheal. I changed my password and all and retook full control of my account and discovered that the USMC had entered a war with Hong Kong and Timecanheal betrayed the USMC and took half of the USMC members to SSD-1 to wage war against the USMC. This power struggle, if you will, lasted for quite a while. Timecanheal planted a spy into the USMC who gained the trust of altar and became a VP. The player had the highest score out of all the VPs and Altar, due to real life and personal reasons, quit the game, deleting his account. NesTea was supposed to take over as he was our second in command. The game defaulted presidency down to the VP with the highest score. Next thing we knew the new "president" was anouncing a merge with SSD-1. NesTea and I immediately made our attempts to counter all claims by the false president, At this point NesTea suggested me as president and the alliance agreed. The false president (whose name I have omitted from this entire post to preserve his privacy, as he was only acting under orders from Timecanheal) immediately dismissed the alliance taking what was left of his supporters to SSD-1.

I recreated USMC, as per the vote, with NesTea as VP and we rebuilt USMC quickly. In a matter of a day we rebuilt even stronger than before and went to war with SSD-1. Time quickly allied himself with Hong Kong and many other chinese alliances. I, personally, was hit 87 times that week. I'm thickheaded but I'm not stupid. The 40 of us were not going to win against 600 players + the entire top 30 so I conceded defeat and formed a NAP with SSD-1. And this is where I feel history gets a little confused. I know the truth of the events between then and now but I will keep them to myself because it seems like whenever I try to explain what really happened, people go straight into denial...

I can be a little self righteous, I'm very longwinded, and I really enjoy this game ^^


Posts : 25
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Join date : 2012-07-30

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Introduce yourself Empty I am Fordprefect from USMC

Post  Fordprefect Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:43 pm

When I started out, I chose Fordprefect as my name Because I was reading the "hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" series. And for that same reason I created the alliance "galactic hitchhikers". I can't remember all of the three low level players that joined me, but of them all Daelin was the strongest. He had about 4x my score and was my vp. Anyways when I started out I spent most of my time talking and making friends on WorldChat, that's where I met Capricorn and asked him to join us, he offered me a merge, he was currently Vp of Unknown Shadows. I talked with my alliance, and we disbanded, me and Daelin both moved to US.

Capricorn was about 400k in score when I joined then, my score was roughly 6k. And Capricorn started teachingg me the game, he was growing rapidly, hitting 500k, then 700k, and so on. It was when I was around 250k, and our president Samonater was inactive again, that Capricorn said he is leaving and joining USMC and that I am welcome to go too. And since I joined USMC my score is almost 10x bigger and I couldn't ask for a better alliance.

I'm 14 years old, outside of this game I have a girlfriend, I write poetry and songs, and all my school friends are complete nerds... I don't get angry very easily, but if I do I will probably be unreasonable. I don't curse or swear, don't do drugs unless you count caffeine and medical drugs, and my name is Logan.


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Join date : 2012-07-29

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Introduce yourself Empty slm37. shizam.

Post  slm37 Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:43 pm

many people probably know me from my awesome gold font on the eris WC and the well-shined iron fist that i enforce the chat rules with. i downloaded this game last october or november, but it took me a while to get into it. usmc was the first alliance i joined, and i knew it was the only one i'd ever want to be in. the reasons for this being those 4 letters look like my school's abbreviation to a dyslexic person, and i love the sweet taste of freedom so much i bleed red, white, and blue. despite my moderator status, adult age, and good ideas, aero has also had to edit my posts one time =)

i downloaded this game as a good means to waste time during study breaks. i've enjoyed the diverse crowd of people on the game (minus the trolls, of course) and hope everyone else has as well.


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Join date : 2012-07-29

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Introduce yourself Empty I am StukaJU87

Post  StukaJU87 Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:34 pm

First let me say thank you for accepting me in USMC. I've heard nothing but admiration for this alliance since i started this game. My time in GE has only been a few months but I have had many homes in that shirt time. I started with RawR, then went to Roughnecks when RawR disbanded. When Roughnecks disbanded, I went to Generation. Genneration disbanded and now I'm here and while I have learned a lot, I also am aware I have a great deal more to learn. I'm here to learn and to help.


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Join date : 2012-08-08

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Introduce yourself Empty Whimsicalfaery

Post  whimsicalfaery Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:25 pm

Hey! My ID is whimsicalfaery. I just joined USMC today. I started playing sometime this last spring, I think. I joined Brotherhood soon after starting, and was with them until now.

I'm 26, and have been married for two years. I guess I'm one of the few girls/women on GE. Smile

I'm really glad to be here! I've always admired this alliance.


Posts : 1
Points : 21691
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2012-08-13

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