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ERIS USMC Structured Self-Development

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ERIS USMC Structured Self-Development Empty ERIS USMC Structured Self-Development

Post  Aero Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:05 am

USMC SSD (United Space Marine Corps Structured Self Development) will run under direct command of the USMC, their members will be required to be even more active on this site than USMC as I don't have an account in the USMC SSD.

The idea of SSD is create leaders out of recruits and send them to the front (USMC). SSD will operate in V different levels.

The first level of SSD, run by Master95, will be for teaching players Nebula Farming and building a basic foundation (level 20 mines, level 15+ shipyard, level 1 nanite, etc). The score requirement for SSD is 0. All members must have a username NO GUEST ACCOUNTS ARE TO BE ADMITTED and under NO circumstances is a banned player to be permitted into the USMC SSD. A list of all recruits must be presented to the administration weekly. To graduate from SSD-1 the recruit needs only meet the score requirement of SSD-II. On the day of graduation the administration may determine whether or not the recruit can stay as a division leader to help with training new recruits.

The second level of SSD, run by FordPrefect, will be learning how to fleetsave. The score requirement of SSD-II is 100,000. To graduate from SSD-2 a recruit must go three weeks without losing their fleet to an attack and meet the score requirement of SSD-III.

The third level of SSD, not yet established, is learning the importance of technology. The score requirement of SSD-3 is 300k. To graduate from SSD-3 a recruit must have level 15+ Weapons, Shield, and Strength technologies.

The fourth level of SSD, not yet established, is Resource Management. The score requirement of SSD-IV is 500k. To graduate from SSD-IV a recruit must demonstrate their ability to manage their own resources without the aid of another member while still pumping out a significant amount of ships per day every day and always have a tech in research.

The final level of SSD, not yet established, is combat training. The only requirement for SSD-V is to surpass the requirements of the previous four levels. Recruits in SSD-V will be taught how to use Mobile Assault Planets and learn the basics of Wave Attacks as well as gaining a fundemental knowledge of troop management. To graduate from SSD-V a recruit must demonstrate the following:
1) they must never attack an alliance listed on the NAP list.
2) they must present 3 battle reports in which they made an attack, regardless of if they won or not, and the planet that the attack was made from must be empty when tapped (indicating the mobile was successfully abandoned).
3) they must demonstrate expertise in all five levels of SSD training.
4) they must have a fleet.
5) they must be officially self sufficient.

Once a member meets all five of these requirements the recruit will be sent to USMC.

It is important to note that the SSD levels of USMC must never reach the top 30 score board. These branches are for training and we don't want our recruits to be targeted. The only exception to this is SSD-IV as they are learning combat.


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Join date : 2012-07-30

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